Community Bible Church of Greater Pasadena

Community Bible Church is a unique church known for its unconditional love.  It was founded in 1938 by Reverend Jessie W. Coleman as Community Baptist Church and became Community Bible Church in 2005. CBC is referred to by the members as either, “Home,” the “Hub,” or the “Hospital.” Historically, we have done amazing things with a small congregation.  We see ourselves as God’s 21st century Gideon’s army. 

CBC has had only four senior pastors in its history.  Pastor Jean Burch is the fourth and first female pastor, succeeding her father Pastor John W. Burch in April of 2000.  With each new pastor has come the challenge of maintaining the church’s rich heritage while casting a new vision for the current time. One of the historical highlights of CBC is the provision of affordable housing through its non-profit corporation, Community Bible Community Development Corporation (CBCDC). The CBCDC provides 260 units of affordable housing. The CBCDC’s guiding force is found in Matthew 25:31-46, where Jesus admonishes the believer to be concerned for the “least of these,” which CBC has always done.Opportunities for serving are offered through various outreach and community connections as well as weekly volunteerism at our housing properties.  

The Culture of Community Bible Church

Community Bible Church exists to Transform Lives by Exalting Our God, Edifying Believers and Evangelizing Our Community!

 Our worship music is a combination of gospel, contemporary and original Christian music (some of which has been written by members of our music team) and has been described as upbeat and lively.  We sing loud, lift our hands, and clap and dance before the Lord.  There is also a strong emphasis on studying and understanding the Word of God, both individual and corporate prayer, and quarterly prayer focus that involves prayer and fasting.  The members are hard working and committed to the Word of God while demonstrating the unconditional love of Jesus Christ.